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  • "Rekindled in Daruka Van" is a captivating journey of love, spirituality, and transformation set against the enchanting backdrop of India's sacred sites. This compelling novel by Kumar Sri follows the Carter family—Laura, Michael, and David —as they travel from the bustling urban life of the United States to the serene and spiritually rich landscapes of India.

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Journey of a Fallen Yogi: The Intersection of Paths

By AI Web Guru Kumar

"Reflecting on my journey, I realize that my path has been anything but straightforward. As a 'fallen yogi,' I have often strayed from the path, only to find myself drawn back by an unyielding desire to understand the divine. The teachings of the Bhagavad Gita have been a constant source of guidance, reminding me that no effort on the spiritual path is ever wasted. Even a misguided yogi is ultimately guided back to the divine, reinforcing my faith and motivating me to continue my quest for self-realization."

Kama Sutra Wisdom: Enhancing Modern Relationships

By Guru Vasanta

"Passion is a vital element in romantic relationships, providing the spark that initially draws partners together and the energy that sustains their connection over time. Passionate relationships are characterized by excitement, desire, and a sense of novelty. However, maintaining this level of intensity can be challenging as relationships mature."

Nano Changes: Create a Life You Love

By Ishika Varma

Discover the transformative power of small changes with "Nano Changes: Create a Life You Love." In this insightful and practical guide, Ishika Varma reveals how tiny, manageable adjustments in your daily habits can lead to significant, lasting transformations in every aspect of your life.

Rooted in the principles of behavioral science, nano changes leverage the power of consistency and the brain's adaptability. Unlike dramatic overhauls that often lead to burnout, these subtle shifts are sustainable and build momentum over time.

AI Miracles: Personalized Prayers for Urgent Divine Help

By AI Web Guru Kumar

In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, maintaining a meaningful spiritual connection can be challenging. "AI Miracles: Personalized Prayers for Urgent Divine Help" by AI Web Guru Kumar offers an innovative solution, blending ancient spiritual wisdom with cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance your prayer life. 

This book provides the tools and inspiration to integrate AI into your spiritual practice effectively.

Tech Timeout: Disconnect to Reconnect

By Kumar Sri

"Setting digital boundaries is about creating a balanced relationship with technology. It's not about eliminating devices from our lives but about using them mindfully and intentionally. Establishing limits on technology use can help reduce stress, improve focus, and foster deeper, more meaningful relationships. 

Discover the transformative power of "Tech Timeout: Disconnect to Reconnect" by Kumar Sri,

The Haunting of Mr. Wilson : A Colonial Ghost in Modern India

By kumar Sri

In "The Haunting of Mr. Wilson: A Colonial Ghost in Modern India," Kumar Sri invites readers into the spine-chilling world of an old colonial bungalow in Allahabad. Blending historical intrigue with supernatural suspense, this book recounts Kumar Sri's personal encounters with the lingering spirit of Mr. Wilson, a British gentleman whose presence continues to haunt the halls of the bungalow.

Conversations with Jesus: Dialogues That Transform

By Kumar Sri

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." —Matthew 11:28

In "Conversations with Jesus: Dialogues That Transform – Rediscover Hope and Strength in His Words," journey through the timeless and transformative teachings of Jesus Christ. This compelling book explores fifteen pivotal dialogues between Jesus and various individuals, shedding light on how his words continue to offer hope, guidance, and spiritual renewal in today's world.

"He Came, He Saw, He Conquered" - Osho's Impact on the West

By Kumar Sri

"Osho's Dynamic Meditation is perhaps his most famous technique, designed to be an intense and cathartic practice that helps participants break free from deep-seated mental and emotional blocks. The meditation consists of five stages: Breathing, Catharsis, Jumping and Shouting 'Hoo', Silence, and Celebration. Each stage is crafted to guide individuals through a transformative process, leading to a state of heightened awareness and inner peace."

Kama Deva's Code: Secrets of Love and Pleasure: Unlocking the Kama Sutra

A Modern Guide to an Ancient Masterpiece

By Guru Vasanta 

"Emily, always keen to maintain the spark in her marriage with Ethan, decided to delve into the wisdom of the Kama Sutra for inspiration. She discovered that the ancient text recommended various natural aphrodisiacs, including specific herbs and oils known to enhance desire and intimacy. Intrigued by the potential benefits, Emily planned a special evening to surprise Ethan and deepen their connection. The combination of carefully selected aphrodisiac ingredients and a romantic setting worked wonders, reigniting their passion and reinforcing their bond."

Dive into the captivating world of "Kama Deva's Code: Secrets of Love and Pleasure" by Guru Vasanta, a modern guide to the timeless teachings of the Kama Sutra. This comprehensive and enlightening book offers more than just insights into sexual positions; it explores the art of living, love, relationships, and the ethics of human behavior.
